Dear Jass colleges or wannabees
The Jass section will meet every 2nd Friday of every month, with a new look,
since the Bovid break no Jassen took place.
EVERYBODY is welcome even beginners.
For reasons of dwindling participants, night travelling phobia, (Nyctohodophobia)
it was decided to move the Jass event to a day time premisses at Rolf in Assagai.
We will start from 13:00 onwards.
Rolf is happy to provide the Jass Cellar at any time, for Jasser want to practice the game,
Jasser will book the cellar.
Tel 031 768 1327 Cell 073 982 4976
Bring your own food, drinks.
For organisational reason it is essential to let Lynne Bolzli know (when send reminder) if you attend or
not attend. This will ensure, that all Jasser have received the reminder.
A fridge, Microwave, hot water for coffee or tea is available.
We are happy to have received sponsors for Plates and cutlery.
After 18:00 for those who are still keen a fire for a braai will be proided.
Rolf's idea is to set up a Jass Akademy for novices.
The Jass will be played as a Schieber in a competetive way, with other words no Stoeck Stich and Wys, but including "Obenabe and Undenufe"
Each player draws a number at the beginning of the evening and keeps it to the end.
The selection of partners are defind according to a sheduled table, with the aim that no-body plays with the same partner twice during the evening.
To qualify for the best a new system was created for the ones with most attendance given a chance
to win a prize. The more often a player participates the better a chance to win.
The winner of this event qualifies for the floating Jass trophy as well and will be handed out at the AGM.
In December the annual prize Jassen will take place where every participant will have a chance to win a prize.
Want to know more
about the origin game of "Jassen" ?
{Copyright (C) 2011 Swiss Club Natal . All Rights Reserved}
PRIZE JASSEN 15. December 2019 at Rolf's former horse stable
Prize Table
The winner is..
Fritz Gribi
P. Wunderlin
Doreen Lam
Lynne Bolzli
Kurt Bacher
Erwin Metzger
Rolf Klein
Martin Bolzli
Ruth Klein
Ueli Duebi
Hanspeter Graber
easy come easy go
Juerg Vogelsang